Quiz: Cresty Bits

Quiz: Cresty Bits

As build-up for the new season I am going to be taking a look at those much-loved, but seldom examined, icons of the game: club crests. I will be dissecting in detail the logos of the twenty 2011-12 Premier League teams as the season nears, but before then I thought a little crest-based quiz would be nice.
Each item pictured below is a component of one of the twenty crests that will be adorning shirts in the top flight next season (unless someone’s got a redesign coming that they haven’t told me about). Your task is to name the clubs from whose crest the pieces have been taken.

I still can’t work out how to have anything resembling a proper quiz on wordpress.com (any suggestions?) so, as with my last quiz, I’m going to have to improvise. Clicking on a piece of crest will bring up the answer in the form of an image of the component sitting next to the crest that it came from.










10. This bit isn’t really a full component – it’s more a component of a component.

11-15. These are shields, all with stripes. The colour has been removed to increase the difficulty. All five answers come as one image.

16-23. These are all banners (or scrolls, if you prefer) with the text and colour removed. Some may have been flipped vertically to throw you off. All eight answers come as one image.

24-27. This crest is made of three components (animal, ball, text) each taken from a different club. They have been positioned in the arrangement and colour of the crest of a fourth club (where that fourth club has its name, I have put a motto). Name all four clubs. All four answers come as one image.