Football Faces 1: What is a bubble coat?

I’m very happy to present the first post on On Goals Scored by a guest contributor. This is the work of Kay; a Newcastle United and Júbilo Iwata supporter who likes to draw (among other things) the intriguing faces of those blokes that tell footballers what to do.
As an avid but unlearned watcher of the game, a more than appropriate proportion of my enjoyment of weekly highlight programmes comes from watching the manager interviews. I am endlessly fascinated by their faces and the boring things they say. Okay, “endlessly” is an exaggeration. Nevertheless, I felt compelled to put pen (and pencil) to paper – hopefully it is somewhat interesting.
I’d done Mr. Bruce earlier last week in the hopes that this post will be done in time – not so! He is getting a big goodbye at the end there. In addition, there are three stern faces and one big mouth (both literally and figuratively).
Hopefully, you will be able to tolerate me through all Premier League managers in the weeks to come. And hopefully I won’t miss any more of them before they leave (so you can guess some of the faces that will be coming up next).
NB: All quotes are genuine, improbable as it may seem.