Quiz: Golaccio!

Cast your mind back to the mid 1990s: in Italy, Silvio Berlusconi is Prime Minister, the economy has been shaken by a recent recession and Alessandro Del Piero is finding the net for Juventus. You live in a world where live football of any kind is a rare event on terrestrial television and even Match of the Day is on after your bedtime (you are imagining that you were born in 1988) so Football Italia offers more and better coverage of Italian football than you could possibly have dreamed of.
This is a quiz of visualised scoring records but, unlike my first which focused on the recent past of the English game, this has a Football Italia theme: all the players featured were notable goalscorers in Serie A in the 1990s. Goals that the players scored in other decades are shown as long as they came in the Italian top flight before the end of the 2010-11 season.
A player’s record is visualised by a series of bars – one for each of the seasons that they scored in Serie A. The colour of the bar (or colours if they scored for more than one team in a season) represents the team and the height of the bar shows the number of goals. Your job is to guess which player is represented by each set of bars. You can have a look at that Premier League version for a labeled example. The assignment of colours to teams is based on the following rules:
– Teams with one main shirt colour are represented by that colour.
– Teams with stripes that are black and another colour are shown by that other colour unless it is white, in which case they are represented by black.
– Teams with red and blue halves or stripes are represented by red.
– Cremonese, who play in red and grey stripes, have their goals coloured grey.
– Parma, whose strip colour is somewhat variable, are shown by their most often used colour: white.
I have not provided a key because it forms part of the challenge that you are not able to tell which team is which with certainty (and indeed some teams are represented by exactly the same colour). This is because the identities of a lot of the players could be guessed immediately from the names and order of the teams they scored for without needing to consider the number of goals.
Hover your cursor over HINT to confirm a player’s teams and ANSWER for their name. As a fail-safe for the possibility of some browsers failing to display the hover text, you can click on HINT or ANSWER to see an image that reveals the required information. A terrible faff, I know, but I can’t find a better way of putting together a quiz on a WordPress.com blog – suggestions are very welcome. Standard Quizzlestick scoring applies.
Reference: Serie A official website
Great stuff.
What? No Penne Bianca?
Nice! I got a few right thankfully. Batistuta – what a legend!
Nice work! The only one I didn’t get was Montella (now coach of my beloved Viola). What about Bobo?
Damn, got all except Van Basten. Great idea.